sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012


By Kenneth L. Gentry Jr

Generally it is helpful to understand your opponent’s eschatological postion in order to better know your own. In this succinct study I will summarize the essential distinctive features of amillennialism. Until the early twentieth century the term “amillennial” did not exist. Amillennialism was subsumed under the term “postmillennialism.” But after World War I and the onset of pessimism in our culture, “amillennialism” came into its own and worked its way out from under the “postmillennial” umbrella. The following features will show why it is not properly a part of postmillennial view.
1. The Church Age is the kingdom which the Old Testament prophets predict. God expands his people from the one nation of Israel in the Old Testament to the universal Christian church of the New Testament, making this phase of God’s people the “Israel of God” (Gal 6:16).
2. Christ binds Satan during his earthly ministry at his first coming. His binding prevents Satan from stopping gospel proclamation. This allows for multitudes of sinners to convert to Christ and insures some restraint upon evil.
3. Christ rules spiritually in the hearts of believers. We may expect occasional, short-lived influences of Christianity on culture and society, especially when Christians live out the implications of their faith.
4. History will gradually worsen as evil’s growth accelerates toward the end. This will culminate in the great tribulation, with the arising of a personal Antichrist.
5. Christ will return to end history, resurrect all men, and conduct the Final Judgment, and establish the eternal order. The eternal destiny of the redeemed may be either in heaven or in a totally renovated new earth.

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