The various divine covenants are “the covenants of the promise” (Eph 2:12). The covenant concept runs throughout Scripture. It frames God’s creational process, structures his dealings with man, and, most importantly for this book’s thesis, insures his divine program’s success in history. This program is not about the defeat of Christ’s redemptive work in history. The gospel of salvation, the building of His church, and the establishment of his comprehensive, worldwide kingdom lead to Christendom and the victory of the faith over all opposition.
Many people point out that postmillennialism had declined in adherence since its heyday from 1700 through the early 1900s. But this is not so much because of a direct decline in postmillennialism per se as it is a decline in theology in general. And particularly in covenantal theology. Covenantal theology’s decline in the late nineteenth century leads to the decline of postmillennialism in the twentieth century. This had the sad effect of leading to a decline of Christian influence in society. Postmillennialism is fundamentally covenantal, presenting a full-orbed Christianity in its pristine authority and power. The specific covenants of the Old and New Testaments support the postmillennial position.
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