Undergirding this optimism was the doctrine of
postmillennialism—the belief that the Second Coming will take place
after the millennium of blissful peace and prosperity for the church,
which will be ushered in by the divinely aided efforts of the church.
It comes as a surprise to many that for most of the
nineteenth century, postmillennialism was "the commonly received
doctrine" among American Protestants, as one minister put it in 1859.
Postmillennialism dominated the religious press, the leading seminaries,
and most of the Protestant clergy, and it was ingrained in the popular
Pace-setting Puritan
Postmillennialism was first clearly articulated in America by a man
many consider the greatest theologian in American history, New England
Congregational pastor Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758).
A.D. 1739
Jonathan Edwards preaches a sermon series later published as A History of the Work of Redemption.
Jonathan Edwards preaches a sermon series later published as A History of the Work of Redemption.
Edwards was a devoted student of Scripture, including
the Book of Revelation. He also entertained fervent hopes that God might
do something special among the people of New England. He was
circumspect when revival broke out in his own congregation in the 1730s,
but when all of New England was convulsed by spiritual awakening in the
early 1740s, he could not hold back: " 'Tis not unlikely that this work
of God's Spirit, that is so extraordinary and wonderful, is the
dawning, or at least a prelude, of that glorious work of God, so often
foretold in Scripture. … And there are many things that make it probable
that this work will begin in America."
After the Great Awakening, Edwards became more cautious
and dated the Millennium (a term he used rarely) somewhere around the
year 2000. He believed, with many others, that this date would mark the
beginning of the seventh and final millennium of world history. In the
interim, much remained to be done: the fall of Satan's kingdoms (that
is, the papacy and the Ottoman Turkish empire), the conversion of the
Jews, and the spread of true Christianity "through the vast regions of
the earth."
Edwards envisioned the Millennium as the church's
"triumphant state," a time of Sabbath rest and peace. He expected it to
be a time of great advance in knowledge "when neither divine nor human
learning shall be confined and imprisoned within only two or three
nations of Europe, but shall be diffused all over the world." He looked
forward to a time of great holiness when "visible wickedness shall be
suppressed everywhere, and true holiness shall become general, though
not universal," and a time of great prosperity. He regarded
Constantine's era a type of the greater reality to come, so he also
expected the Millennium to be a time when true religion would be held in
great esteem and saints would rule on all fronts.
How will this all come to be? Here was Edwards's
greatest contribution: "This is a work that will be accomplished by
means, by the preaching of the gospel, and the use of the ordinary means
of grace, and so shall be gradually brought to pass." Yet Edwards also
expected that God's Spirit "shall be gloriously poured out for the
wonderful revival and propagation of religion."
By Steven R. Pointer in http://www.christianitytoday.com/ch/1999/issue61/61h028.html
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